April 2020 – Present times and past-times!

1st April 2020

Dear friends and customers.  Since my last newsletter the shape of all our lives has changed beyond imagination.  We made it to the Open Art Fair and stayed there for all of one day and got home at the end of last week having been warned of imminent lockdown.  As it happened the start of the lockdown was announced last night. Staying at home, without school or office work to fill eight hours of the day, has its challenges, so I have looked back to times when hours without televisions, computers or even telephones were the norm to see how they whiled away the time.  Here are some suggestions.

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A Painting of Maharaja Duleep Singh after Winterhalter, Part of a Suite of Panels Painted in 1988 by Theirry Bruet for Mme Régine's Restaurant Le Doyen in Paris
This work in pastel is of very large scale and that is because it was once one of a number of pieces painted to fill the walls of the fashionable restaurant Le Doyen on the...
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Record £85k raised at annual yacht club regatta
Record £85k raised at annual yacht club regatta A record £85k has been raised at this year\'s Taittinger Royal Solent Yacht Club Regatta for charities Cure ...
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