Charles, the specialist at Wick Antiques, has a profound expertise in globes and offers an impressive selection for enthusiasts and collectors. While not all of the available stock is showcased on the website, the collection encompasses a wide range of options, from pocket globes housed in shagreen cases to elegant table globes, and even includes a remarkable floor-standing 30-inch Rand McNally terrestrial globe.

Typically, globes are sold in pairs, with a terrestrial globe accompanied by a celestial one. The dates inscribed on the papers of these globes tend to be more recent than those of the Georgian stands. This is because the paper gores, the segments used to construct the globes, were frequently updated to incorporate the discoveries made by explorers such as Captains Cook and Vancouver, as well as changes in political borders. On the other hand, celestial globes experienced fewer alterations after the addition of the constellations in the southern hemisphere, allowing them to retain their original dates.

The collection features an extensive variety of globes crafted by two prominent families during the Georgian era: the Carys and the Newtons. Additionally, globes made by other esteemed makers such as Loring, Lane, Josling, Johnston, Smith & Son, and Harris & Son are available. These globes range in size and price, spanning from 12 to 24 inches in diameter, accommodating various preferences and budgets.

To continually expand the selection, Charles actively sources and purchases globes from international markets. If you have a specific request or are looking for a particular globe, we encourages you to reach out and contact us. We are dedicated to assisting customers in finding their desired globes and providing expert guidance throughout the process.

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