A Tale of Two Ships – November 2018

12th November 2018

Often one of the pleasures of dealing in old things is the human story behind them.  Everything we buy was made for, used by and enjoyed by someone else.  It is therefore very satisfying when we re-unite pieces with their own history.  By chance this has happened twice this month. The LAPADA newsletter featured ‘Cushie Doo’.  Imagine Charlie’s delight when he was contacted by the first owner, Mr Osmand’s, direct descendant who unrolled the original shipyard drawings and explained more of her history when he met us to view the model.  Apparently one of Cushie Doo’s annual tasks was to steam from Sydney round to Northern Australia with every conceivable item needed to run Mr Osmand’s vast cattle stations in northern Australia.  After some bargaining, and some difficulty fitting the model into his open-top Triumph TR4, Mr West drove away a happy customer.

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