Wick Antiques joins forces with Mr Fogg’s at the LAPADA Fair – September 2015

20th September 2015
Sept 15
Photographs by Tom Mannion

We all know Charles is a character, but his new friendship with the fictional Mr Fogg, from Around the World in 80 Days fame, has taken things to a whole new level. Both being globetrotters in

search of the weird and wonderful they have a lot in common, real or not.

The LAPADA Fair is on until Sunday 27th September and features a pop-up bar, modeled after the drawing room of much-loved fictional explorer Phileas Fogg from Jules Verne’s 1873 novel, which is furnished with selected pieces from Wick’s vast collection.

Items include a Victorian four-fold screen, a Regency convex mirror and an oil painting of the three masted, 588-tonne carvel-built ship, Lady Macnaghten, by W J Huggins, sailing under reduced sail in the original gilt frame.

If you would like tickets to the Fair, please click the link below to download you e-ticket and we hope to see you there.




Anderson Wallrock online is now live.

Our much anticipated sister site andersonwallrock.com is now live. Click the image above to be the first visitors, or come and see us at Stand A23 at the LAPADA fair, Berkeley Square, London.

Dates for your Diary.

Having previously supplied Harrods antiques department for 22 years, Charles Wallrock of Wick Antiques offers his expertise and professional knowledge to help you buy and sell your antiques.

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