A magnificent Silver Parade Saddle by Bohlin
A fine tooled deep brown leather saddle lavishly embellished throughout with silver mounts following a floral theme. The silver is chased with dense flowerheads against scrolling foliage with rosette conchos.Stamped Edw. H. Bohlin.Inc, MAKER, Hollywood.Cal. American, circa 1930. And a bridle decorated with silver lozenges and steer’s heads, stamped sterling.
Provenance: By repute this saddle was made for a member of the Walker family, famous for shortbread, which was founded in 1898 by Joseph Walker and carried on by his sons Joseph Jnr and James.
Literature: Saddlemaker to the Stars: The Leather and Silver Art of Edward H. Bohlin, Nottage and Einstein, Washington, 1996.